TRADESHIFT - System Status:

The platform is experiencing some issues - we are very sorry about it. Our engineers are already working on stabilizing the system. If you would like to get live updates on the status please subscribe on our status page here.

Bienvenue sur l’espace e-factures d’Eiffage

Partenaires d’Eiffage, vous êtes nombreux à vous connecter sur notre plateforme d’accueil digitale des factures fournisseurs et je vous en remercie.

Verte et économe, cette solution électronique est, en tous points, vertueuse pour Eiffage, mais aussi pour vous !

  • Performante et fiable : elle optimise considérablement le processus de traitement des factures. Le temps moyen de traitement dématérialisé passe ainsi de 15 jours en 100 % papier à 3 jours en moyenne. Sans compter que ce traitement automatisé réduit les risques d'erreurs.
  • Gratuite : outre un coût d'envoi réduit à zéro, le traitement plus rapide des factures et la réduction des délais de paiement ont des conséquences positives sur votre trésorerie et votre santé financière.
  • Transparente : Eiffage vous fournit la possibilité de connaître en temps réel et 24H/7j le statut de vos factures en cours de traitement.
  • Rapide : déposer une facture sur le portail vous prendra moins de temps que de l’envoyer par la Poste.
  • Traçable : un accusé de réception vous est proposé pour chaque facture déposée sur le portail. 

Parce que nous sommes engagés dans une démarche permanente de progrès, ce portail s’enrichira progressivement dans les prochains mois de nouvelles fonctionnalités, afin d’améliorer encore la fluidité et le confort de nos échanges. 

Christian Cassayre

Directeur financier d’Eiffage

Learn more

Benefits of eInvoicing with Tradeshift

Tradeshift increases invoicing accuracy, and improves visibility to the payment process and status through an easy-to-use web-based platform

Easy Setup - No installation of hardware or software required.

Real-time Monitoring & Communication

Public Profiles & Network - Promote your business, products and services

Getting Started with Tradeshift

We built a short guide on how to get started quickly with only 5 steps.

These five steps will guide you through the most important steps invited supplier should take while and after responding to the invitation email of their customer.

Invoicing Eiffage

EIFFAGE will be using Tradeshift for:

  • Receiving electronic invoices,,
  • Receiving electronic credit notes,
  • Receiving electronic down-payment,
  • Apply compliance and business rules to those documents,
  • Send back business statuses to onboarded suppliers (received, accepted, payed,...) both for paper and electronic invoices on Tradeshift platform.

Please note that some additional functionalities available on Tradeshift will not be used by your customer, as examples:

  • Receiving of other business documents,
  • Comments sent through the platform will not be handled by your customer accounting team.
Please consult the following documents for help on using the platform:

Once your preferred integration method selected, you will be ready to invoice EIFFAGE. In order to discover all available integration formats, please visit our dedicated webpage

Business Rules

EIFFAGE has defined several functional controls on Tradeshift, allowing the receiving of complete documents in order to process them efficiently and in a timely manner.

The implemented business rules can be found here.

Additional Information

Note that for specific countries, some additional requirements might be necessary depending on the local tax rules. If you have any doubt on the business rules, please contact your usual point of contact for the corresponding Business Unit.

Please also note that some document standard fields might not be received by your customer (not visible in the Web UI or not mapped to Tradeshift standard UBL format) as example :

  • Document due date: Your invoices will always be paid according to the contractual terms agreed upon with your customer even if they do not appear on the invoice itself.
  • Payment means: Your invoices will always be paid according to the payment means agreed upon with your customer and set up in your customer back-end system even if they do not appear on the invoice itself. If you need to review these information, please contact your usual customer contact for the impacted Business Unit.

Important note!

Please provide the email addresses with comma ',' separated
Request subject must filled out.
Request description must be filled out. Please be as detailed and descriptive as possible.
Attachment required
You can add up to 10 attachments. Each attachment size must be under 20M

New Request

All fields signaled with * (star) are required in order to submit your request
Request subject must be at least 10 characters long
Request description must be at least 100 characters long. Please be as detailed and descriptive as possible
You can add up to 10 attachments. Each attachment size must be under 20M

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