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    Eiffage Business Rules

    327 12 Created on 2019-06-13 12:14:16; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:09

    EIFFAGE has defined several functional controls on Tradeshift, allowing the receiving of complete documents in order to process them efficiently and in a timely manner.


    The implemented business rules are as follow:


    All suppliers must invoice against a Purchase Order (PO):

    • The PO number is mandatory, either in the header level or in each invoice line
    • The PO number format is as follows for Eiffage: maximum 10 alphanumeric characters, starting with a C (CXX)
    • The invoice is checked through a look-up in a table containing the Supplier’s SIRET / Eiffage entity / PO number
    • If a supplier indicates one or several transport references, the reference can be entered at the header or the line level
    • An Eiffage business context specific reference must be provided (reference building site, contract etc)
    • The invoice is checked through a look-up in a table containing the Supplier’s SIRET / Eiffage entity

    For all Eiffage suppliers:

    • The supplier payment IBAN entered in Tradeshift invoice must be the one on which payment will be done
    • For the suppliers that previously sent paper invoices to Eiffage, all the data elements from the paper invoices must be contained in the electronic invoice.
    • The Document ID cannot be over 30 characters long
    • The emission date is mandatory and cannot be set in the future
    • The Business Unit is mandatory and must be 5 numeric characters long (TS: GLI = 24 characters, com.eiffage.codebu: XXXXX)
    • The invoice gross amount must match the sum of the lines gross amount
    • A tax exemption reason is necessary if a 0% tax is entered
    • If provided, the Cost Center number cannot be longer than 6 digits
    • Document IDs are mandatory
    • All address fields both for the Supplier and Customer must be provided: address line 1, city and country (address line 2 is optional)
    • The VAT transaction Type must be specified.
      • If the VAT transaction occurs at invoicing, the following codes may be used: “DE”, “DEB”, “Débit”.
      • If the VAT transaction occurs at payment, the following codes may be used: "EN", "ENC" . 
    • The supplier legal identifier (FR: SIRET) is mandatory for the french suppliers
    • The supplier European tax identifier is mandatory for all European suppliers
    • The supplier company identifier is mandatory for all non-european suppliers (DUNS)
    • Deposit invoices are identified by setting “X” or “x” on the flag identifying the document as a deposit invoice.
    Amounts to be excluded of the VAT base calculation are mentioned in a specific invoice line (Transportation…).

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